The Student Conflict Resolution Center is a private, impartial, and informal problem-solving resource for effective communication, collaboration, and conflict navigation.
To be accessible to all students, we offer services over Zoom, phone, or in person at the SCRC office which is now located at the Ombuds office. Please email or leave a voicemail at the SCRC phone number to schedule an appointment.
We assist individuals and groups as they navigate difficult conversations. We also support student organizations in collaborative decision-making and governance. Our goal is to facilitate positive change through dialogue and across differences.
The SCRC uses a student-driven approach. We remain impartial and we respect diverse perspectives. We provide one-on-one conflict coaching, mediation as appropriate, small and large group facilitations, collaborative governance for student organizations, and restorative justice.
All university students, undergraduate and graduate, are welcome and invited to explore any services, free of charge.